9 Quick Facts About Saint Joseph!!

May 1 marks the feast of St. Joseph, the worker. While not the main celebration of St. Joseph (see further), this feast allows us to celebrate St. Joseph so that we all can relate to him as workers. Here are some quick Facts About Saint Joseph for you along with prayer!

Each of us works at home, in the community, or at school. We can all draw strength from this humble saint. Here are some quick facts about St. Joseph and prayer to St. Joseph the Worker. Quick shoutout to Joseph, my son’s godfather. His birthday is tomorrow. We need your prayers, St. Joseph the Worker.

Patron of a lot: Joseph is the patron saint for many things, including fathers, the dying, and social justice.

Facts About Saint Joseph

1. Pius XII established Feast Day.

Pius XII created the feast day for St. Joseph the Worker in 1955. He explained that the spirit flows to you, and all men, from the heart of God-man, Savior, of the world. But no worker was more deeply and profoundly affected by it than the foster dad of Jesus, who lived and worked with Him in close intimacy.

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2. He is the patron of the Universal Church.

Pius IX made St. Joesph the patron saint of the Universal Church in 1870.

3. A man with many descriptors

He is referred to in the Litany of Saint Joseph as the terror of demons, the glory of home life, and the “model of artisans,” amongst many other descriptors.

4. The Bible is quotable.

We do not have a single quote from St. Joseph in our Bible. Only a few details about his life are available for us.

5. Traditions are held for his passing.

Tradition says that Joseph died in the arms of Jesus and Mary. This is why Joseph is considered the patron saint of happy deaths or the model of a pious believer who receives grace at death.

6. His month in March

March is dedicated solemnly to St. Joseph. His primary feast day, the Solemnity Of St. Joseph, Husband of Mary, is March 19.

7. A third possible feast day

One could argue that St. Joseph has a third day of the feast because he is part of the Holy Family. We celebrate the Feast of the Holy Family every December 30.

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8. Devotion has a long history.

The 9th century was the earliest time that St. Joseph was mentioned in devotional literature. He was known as ” nutrition,” which means “guardian of God.”

9. Patron of many countries

He is also the patron of the Americas: Canada, China, and Mexico.

Prayer to St. Joseph

Joseph, through the work of your hand

You’ll feel the sweat on your forehead.

You supported Mary and Jesus.

You had the Son of God as your co-worker.

Teach me how to work as you did.

God is patient, and you must persevere.

For those God has given to me to support.

Teach me how to see in my coworkers

The Christ who longs to be with them

I can always be kind and patient


Allow me to see the work

With the eyes of faith

So that I will recognize it

My part in God’s creative activity

And in Christ’s work for our redemption

You can take pride in it.

It is productive and pleasant when it is.

Remind me to give God thanks for it.

It can be overwhelming.

Teach me how to give it to God

In reparation for my sins

The sins of the whole world.

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