It is part of the Viperidae family. The Russell’s viper, also known as Daboia Russelii, is among the most poisonous snakes in the world. Here are some amazing Facts About Russell’s Viper!!
It is prevalent throughout the Indian Subcontinent and some parts of Southeast Asia. It is part of the Big Four Category of Snake and is responsible for more death in Asia.
During the day, it’s slow and slow to move about. However, it’s very active at night and is found in the fields most of the time. We will look up additional fascinating details about Russell’s viper for more information about it.
Facts About Russell’s Viper
1. Named in honor of a Scottish Herpetologist.
The name of the snake is derived from the Scottish Herpetologist Patrick Russell. Patrick Russell was a naturalist who was a naturalist in India. He was a researcher of snakes in India and is frequently referred to as the founder of Indian Ophiology.
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2. Spread across the Indian Subcontinent
The snake is located mostly in the Indian Subcontinent (India, Pakistan, Nepal, Bhutan, Myanmar, Sri Lanka) and a few countries in South-East Asia.
3. Beware of its sharp teeth
Russell’s viper is thought to be one of the most deadly snakes in the world. Their fangs can extend upwards of 0.65 inches. The snake can deliver 45 mg of venom from a single bite.
4. Avoid these locations
The snake lives in humid areas and is usually found in swamps, bushes, and rainforests. They are usually found in rodent burrows, termite mounds, rock crevices, leaves, or other objects.
5. What Does It Look Like?
Russell’s viper is an intense yellow or light brown skin adorned with deep brown, oval spots, and black rings. The belly is white and is usually covered in irregular dark marks. It is a triangular, flathead and has two fangs. It has large eyes and a vertical pupil.
6. The behavior changes following the seasons.
These snakes sleep at night and remain active even at night in summer. They begin to be active during the daylight hours in the fall months. They generally avoid human contact and mainly search for rodents to find their next meal.
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7. 40-60 snakelets in one delivery
The Russell’s viper can begin to mate around the age of two. Females can produce an average of 40-60 snakelets. In one instance, the female had one litter that contained more than 75 snakelets within India.
8. Famous for killing people
Russell’s viper can be found in Russell’s viper is part of the Big Four category of Snakes. The Big Four category includes Common Krait, Russell’s Viper, Indian saw-scaled viper, and Indian Cobra. These snakes are among the most poisonous snakes in the Indian Subcontinent. Each year, they trigger over 81,000 poisonings and over 11,000 fatalities. In Myanmar, the majority of bites are caused by Russell’s viper.
9. Common signs of a bite
The most common signs of Russell’s Viper bites are swelling, pain around the bite site and blisters over the face, nausea, and dizziness. If the bite is not treated, the victim’s kidneys might fail.
10. 15 years in captivity
In the wild, Russell’s viper lives for 9-11 years. However, in captivity, it could live for up to 15 years.
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11. A snake is similar to Russell’s viper
A snake known as the rough-scaled sand-boa or Gongylophis conicus resembles Russell’s viper. The pattern of its skin is similar to Russell’s viper. The primary distinction between the two is that this rough-scaled sand Boa isn’t poisonous.