100g of Cereals Ready-to-Eat, GENERAL MILLS, Rice CHEX have 84.5 grams of carbohydrates, 4.4gs of fiber, 6.9gs of protein, 8.98 mg of sodium, and 2.59g of water.
Cereals Ready-to-Eat, GENERAL MILLS, Rice CHEX 100g contain 375 calories. This is 19% of your daily calorie intake
Cereals ready to eat, GENERAL MILLS, Rice CHEX contain 0 mg of Cholesterol and 1.4g of fat.
You can also find Vitamin B-9 (741mg), Vitamin C (22.2mg) and Vitamin B-3 (18.5mg).
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375 kcal
On average, we need 2,000 calories each day. 100g of Cereals Ready-to-Eat, GENERAL MILLS, Rice CHEX contain 375 calories. This is 19% of your daily calorie intake.
84.5 gr
100g of Cereals Ready-to-Eat, GENERAL MILLS, Rice CHEX contains 28% of your daily requirements: 84.5g of carbohydrates.
8.2 mg
Cereals Ready-to-Eat, GENERAL MILLS, Rice CHEX 100g contain 8.1 grams of sugars
Dietary fiber
4.4 g
Cereals Ready-to-Eat, GENERAL MIILLS, Rice CHEX 100g contain 4.4 grams of dietary fiber, which is 18% of your daily intake.
898 mg
100g of Cereals Ready-to-Eat, GENERAL MIILLS, Rice CHEX contains 60% of your daily Sodium needs.
2.59 g
100g bowls of cereal Ready-to-Eat, GENERAL MIILLS, and Rice CHEX have 2.6% water and 2.59 grams.
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6.9 g
100g of Cereals Ready-to-Eat, GENERAL MIILLS, Rice CHEX contains 14% of your daily protein needs.